Points North Blend


The 2024 harvest year was challenging to say the least.  A long hot summer meant smaller, dryer olives yielding less oil.  Yet, we are happy to once again produce the Points North Blend.  Consistent with previous releases, this Tuscan-style EVOO encompasses all of our Italian varietals.  The style of this year's oil turned out medium-to-slightly robust.  Each bottle is styled with our signature geodetic label featuring our German Shorthaired Pointer show dog "Cisco" - AKC GSP National Champion 2021 and Sire to "Rock" the 2024 GSP Champion.

Tasting Sensations: n/a

Food Pairings:  n/a

  • Variety:  Leccino, Maurino, Pendolino, Frantoio, Coratina & Taggiasca 
  • Intensity:  Medium
  • Harvest Period:  November 2024
  • EVOO Certification:  Chemical Analysis

10 Gallons Produced

Sizes offered:  375mL & 100mL Gift/sample size.  Available here in our Grovefront Market.


2023/24 POINTS NORTH BLEND **Gold, Silver & Bronze Winning

The 2023 harvest was epic!  We are happy to once again release the Points North Blend.  Consistent with previous releases, this Tuscan-style EVOO encompasses all of our Italian varietals.  The oil is robust yet balanced, and finishes with a bit more pungency.  Each bottle is styled with our signature label resembling a geodetic survey marker and continues to feature our German Shorthaired Pointer show dog "Cisco" - AKC GSP National Champion in 2021!

Tasting Sensations: Herbs, Green Almond, Leaf, Grass, Almond

Food Pairings:  Sauteed Cauliflower, Peas, Asparagus, Squash or Eggplant, Roasted Pork, Roasted Potatoes, Stir-fry Chicken & Veggies, Caesar's Salad, Semi Soft Cheeses, Fruit Ice Cream & Sorbet, Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Cream

24 Gallons Produced

Sizes offered:  250mL or 500mL - Dorica with ROPP top integral pourer.  Available here in our Grovefront Market.



Cal State Fair Silver

This year we were only able to produce a single, small batch blend.   So we decided once again to bottling under the Points North label.  Our Tuscan-style EVOO encompasses all of our Italian varietals.  The oil is so balanced, smooth, fruit forward on the palate, finishing with a hint of pungency.   We feel this oil is gold winning quality - just wish we had more of it!  Each bottle is styled with a label that resembles a geodetic survey marker and continues to feature our German Shorthaired Pointer show dog "Cisco" - AKC National Champion GSP for 2021!

Tasting Sensations:  Artichoke, Arugula, Tomato Leaf & Green Fruit

PFOOC featured in Olive Oil Times article "U.S. Producers Weathered a Difficult Season and Emerged with Good Results"

6 Gallons Produced

Size: 250mL - Dorica with ROPP top integral pourer.  

"Come on Get Happy; Together We're Better" and may your passions in life lead to the extraordinary and point you in the direction of true north!



Cal State Fair Silver

For our only blend this year, we decided to brand it under the Points North label.  This Tuscan-style EVOO encompasses all of our Italian varietals.  A medium intensity blend with a hint of pungency - a solid, flavorful finishing olive oil.  

13 Gallons Produced

Size: 250mL - Dorica with ROPP top integral pourer. 


2020/21 Points North

Our Tuscan-style blend this year encompasses all of our Italian varietals, and each custom labeled bottle features our Grand Champion German Shorthaired Pointer show dog "Cisco" within a geodetic survey marker.  A bouquet of citrus and lemongrass is noticeably stunning to the palate - and with only a hit of pungency at the finish, this blend ended up as our medium EVOO this year!  A link to order is provided on the sizes to the page on our storefront. 

4 Gallons Produced

Sizes:  250mL & 100mL (Sample/gift size) - Dorica with ROPP top integral pourer.


2019/20 Points North

It's back and with a whole new redesigned label resembling a geodetic survey marker and still includes one of our German Shorthaired Pointer show dogs! 

Like marking a key survey point, our passions in life can lead us to the extraordinary - then point us in the direction of true north.  We hope you enjoy our award-winning bold Tuscan-style blend.  A link on the sizes is provided to that Shop page.

  • Olive Variety:  40%Maurino, 40%Leccino, 20%Pendolino, 20%Taggiasca
  • Intensity:  Bold
  • Harvest Period:  October/November
  • EVOO Certification - Chemical Analysis

13 Gallons Produced.

Sizes:  250mL & 500mL


2017/18 Points North

Set a heading due north up the California Coast to Paso Robles, CA.  Design inspired by our locale & German Shorthaired Pointers, you're sure to get your bearings with this rustic, herbaceous Tuscan blend!

  • Olive Variety:  Leccino & Coratina
  • Intensity:  Medium
  • Harvest Period:  November 2017

Size:  250mL

Sorry, sold out for this harvest year.


2016/17 Multiple GOLD, Best in Class Points North Blend

This was the first year to introduced a new brand, label, and blend variation. This blend consists predominately of Maurino, Frantoio, Coratina and touch of Mission.

Named in honour of our German Shorthaired Pointers as well as our Central Coast locale, the profile of this blend highlights nuances of artichoke, tomato leaf, eucalyptus, grass and fruitiness 'stacked' with black pepper & walnut shell.

However, the labeling could only highlight our inspiration but doesn't give the whole story. The patches on the dog were taken from each our puppy boys (Tuscan, Wyatt & Pongo), and of course, within our signature bird logo is our daughter Shelby's footprints - a representation of the whole Partridge Family!

Due to limited quantities (just 13 cases produced), only a 250mL size will be available this year.  
