Olio de Learno
If there's one thing we know, the best in life has come from what most would consider 'negative' experiences in life - Shelby being one of them! Key thing, of course, is having a positive outlook (or perhaps stubbornness-me Angie) that unlocks many doors to learning in which many never may have been open unless those circumstances took place.
What’s this have to do with olive oil? For one thing, we did not currently pass the strict COOC Sensory standard for EVOO.
Why? What does that mean? Is the oil bad? Is all lost? (Ah ha – not revealing details just yet other than to say No).
Part of being a member of the COOC is the outreach education program, not just for us but for the public. So this is where the fun really begins! Stay tune for more details on the next post…